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Core Values

You might be asking: why personal core values are so important? Values are a part of us: they highlight what we stand for. They represent our unique, individual essence and act as the primary driving force behind our actions and behaviours that provides us with a set of ‘rules’ to live by, alongside a personal code of conduct.

Values guide our decisions. Whilst our values in life are constant, our priorities are always changing; therefore, meaning how we prioritise our values are susceptible to change. Much like the core values of a company, our personal core values guide our behaviour and choices in life which ultimately go on to affect other people.

Having a firm understanding of your core values helps you become a quicker, more focused and effective decision-maker, with the confidence and clear direction that will inspire you to manage the big and small decisions you need to make in life. Without a solid understanding of what our core values are, we will find ourselves feeling lost, disorganised and ungrounded in every aspect of our lives.

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